

Plants are living beings. They grow, reproduce and die.
Plants are different from animals. Plants don’t move.Plants make their own food.
Plants are very important for us. Plants produced oxygen and we need oxygen to live.

What do plants need?
Plants need:
1. Water
2. Soil
3. Sunlight
4. Air

Parts of a plant
   The main parts of a plant are flower, leaves, stem and root.
   . Roots get the water and minerals and fix the plant to the ground.
   . Stems support the leaves and flowers and carry the water and food.
   . Leaves grow from stems and branches. They turn sunlight into food.
   . Flowers are the reproductive organs of the plants. Some plants have got flowers. All fruit come from flowers, but not all flowers turn into fruit.


Types of plants
                                           flower          grass         bush                    tree

Nutrition: Making food
Plants make their own food by a process called photosynthesis.
          1.  Plants use the roots to absorb water and mineral salts from the soil. This mixture is called “zume bruto”.
          2. “O zume bruto” goes up the stem to the leaves.
          3.  The leaves take in CO2 from the air, and energy from the sunlight, and mix them. This mixture is called “zume elaborado”.
           4. “O zume elaborado” is the food of the plant. The leaves release the oxygen.

Plants use their leaves to breathe.
During daytime, leaves take in CO2 (dióxido de carbono) and release O2 (osíxeno)
 At night, leaves take in O2 and release CO2

Reproduction: Parts of a flower
Flowers are the reproductive organs of the plants, and they have got male and female parts.
Male parts: produce pollen. It's called STAMEN
Female parts: produce ovules. It's called PISTIL
The SEPALS are green and protect the flower.
The PETALS have different colours to attract insects.

Reproduction: Stages
The stages of a plant cycle are: germination, growing, reproduction, pollination, fertilization and dispersal.

When pollination occurs, pollen moves from the male parts to the female parts. 
The male part of a flower makes polen, the female part of a flower makes ovales.  
In the ovary the fertilized ovule becomes the seed and the ovary becomes the fruit.

Flowers can't move, so they need to be able to attract pollinators. 
Flowers attract pollinators like bees, butterflies, insects, and birds with sweet nectar, bright colors, and shapes. 
Some flowers open at special times to attract pollinators such as night blooming plants that are pollinated by bats.

Why are plants important?
  • Many medicines are made of plants.
  • Plants are used to make material for our clothes.
  • We use trees and other plants to make paper.
  • We use trees for wood.
  • We use plants and flowers for decoration.
  • We use plant for perfumes and soaps.

Names of flowers
  • Do you know the name of these flowers?

  •  Do this search

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