
5th. Grade: UNIT 4

Na unit 4 "Let's go shopping" imos aprender a:
. Pronunciar e escribir correctamente a "Vocabulary list 4".
. Pronunciar e escribir correctamente a "Translation list 4"
. Construir frases en inglés usando o vocabulario e a gramática do tema.
. Saber explicar onde está ubicada unha tenda utilizando as preposiciones: next to, between and opposite.
. Saber dar instruccións de como chegar a un sitio.
. Saber expresar se algo che gusta ou non, utilizando: like, love, really like,
. Saber escribir un diálogo que se desenvolva nunha tenda.

 Vocabulario da unidade
  • Vocabulary list: shoe shop, greengroucer's, bookshop, supermarket, baker's, computer shop, sports shop, clothes shop; go straight on, go past, turn right at the traffic lights, turn left at the zebra crossing.
  • Review: shopping centre, school, park, zoo, swimming poool, cinema, bus station.
Gramática da unidade
  • How much is it?
  • It's 20 €
  • Where's the supermarket?
  • It's between the .... and the ....
  • It's next to the ......
  • It's opposite the ..............
  • Go straight on, turn right at the zebra crossing. Go past the computer shop then turn right. It's on your left / opposite the shoe shop...
  • Do you like books?
  • Yes, I do / No, I don't
  • I love information books / I really like comics / I like novels / I don't like joke books / I hate magazines

2 comentarios:

  1. soraya 5th23/02/16, 18:42

    si le pillas el truco es facil.

  2. Ola Soraya!
    Tes toda a razón é moi fácil, se lle pillas o truco. Creo que o ides facer todos moi ben.
    Un saúdo
